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Claus Bauer

Chief Financial Officer
Schaeffler AG

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Curriculum Vitae

Claus Bauer (b. 1966) studied taxation, business informatics, and corporate law at Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany. He graduated with a diploma (‘Diplomkaufmann’) in 1991.

In 1991, he started his career at Roedl & Partner and obtained his professional designation as German tax advisor in 1995. At the accountancy and consulting firm, he led a team of professionals and advised large and medium-sized companies.

Claus Bauer joined INA Werk Schaeffler oHG in Herzogenaurach in 1998 and established and headed its tax department. He became Group Chief Accounting Officer in 1999 and implemented a worldwide group reporting system.

In 2002, Claus Bauer transferred to Schaeffler Group USA Inc. in Fort Mill, South Carolina, and became Chief Financial Officer for North America with responsibility for Finance, IT and Legal. In 2016, he took on the position of Chief Financial Officer Americas, responsible for Finance and IT, and integrated the North and South American organizations of the Schaeffler Group.

In September 2021, Claus Bauer assumed the position of Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the Schaeffler Group and is responsible for Finance and IT.

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