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Schaeffler at InnoTrans 2024 (Hall 21, Booth 430) Efficiency and reliability: TAROL axlebox bearings for passenger, freight and heavy goods transport

TAROL axlebox bearings (shown here with Class K seal) are certified according to both Europe’s EN 12080 standard and the American AAR standard.
TAROL axlebox bearings (shown here with Class K seal) are certified according to both Europe’s EN 12080 standard and the American AAR standard. They are the first bearings of their kind to combine the differing design and application expectations of two systems of standards in a single product. Image: Schaeffler

2024-09-18 | Schweinfurt

  • Now certified according to AAR standard as well as EN 12080
  • Application-optimized products through customer-specific design
  • Friction-optimized seals for a wide range of applications

Low-friction TAROL axlebox bearings facilitate more reliable and economical rail operations and are one of Schaeffler’s main exhibits at InnoTrans 2024. The showcase includes TAROL axlebox bearings developed for the AAR (Association of American Railroads) market. These bearings meet the certification requirements under both the AAR and European standards, so they can be used in the USA, Australia, India, Southeast Asia and many other countries and regions in addition to Europe. Characterized by long service life and significantly extended maintenance intervals, they ensure reliable operation.

The superior reliability of Schaeffler’s double-row tapered roller bearings is the result of the company’s comprehensive systems know-how. In the case of the TAROL axlebox bearings, this superior know-how finds expression in a well-integrated unit comprising rolling bearings, seals, lubricant and a housing. The result is above-average reliability and robustness even under extreme loads. Thanks to customer-specific design, the bearing dimensions and materials can be optimally matched to the required payload and mileage. Schaeffler offers a range of variants for different applications. For example, the TAROL GG variant is specifically designed for freight transport locomotives, while the high-capacity Class K variant is optimized for heavy goods transport. Both bearings are supplied with friction-optimized seals and thus make an important contribution to reducing CO₂ emissions in rail transport operations.

Publisher: Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG, Schweinfurt
Country: Germany

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