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Innovation Award

The Schaeffler FAG Foundation is an incorporated public foundation with headquarters in Schweinfurt/Germany. It was established in 1983 and is led by the Schaeffler Group today. The foundation object is the promotion of science, research and teaching in the field of scientific engineering related to bearing technology. Bearings technology incorporates rolling bearings, plain bearings and magnetic bearings in mechanical engineering and the automotive and aerospace industries for both rotary and linear motion, and the developments, applications and processes associated with it.

Promotion Concept

Schaeffler FAG Stiftung
  • Scientific theses from the field of bearing engineering by offering the Innovation Award.
  • Promotion of school development
  • Future Technology Award

Promoting Innovations and Competitive Performance

The Schaeffler FAG Foundation promotes science, research and teaching in the field of scientific engineering related to bearing technology.

The foundation breaches the gap between industry and science by awarding the ideas, visions and goals of those working at the universities, in research and business.

The Foundation promotes innovations and competitive promotional thesis, master and bachelor thesis. In serving its aims, it offers the Innovation Award valued at a total of up to € 20.000 for outstanding treatises.

The Foundation promotes innovations and competitive bachelor, master and PhD theses. In serving its aims, applications for the annual award can be submitted by July 31.

The members of the Foundation Council and the Foundation Board applaud the winners of the Innovation Awards of 2019.
The members of the Foundation Council and the Foundation Board applaud the winners of the Innovation Awards of 2019.

Treatises Related to Bearing Technology

Theses related to bearing technology can be submitted. We refer to the definition of bearings technology in the designated competetive conditions.

The thesis may have been drawn up by individual natural persons or by teams. In the case of teams consisting of natural persons, the team has to nominate an authorized person to represent the team against Schaeffler FAG Foundation in all actions.

If the thesis has been drawn up in the context of a scientific institute, a company or a similar institution, the corresponding consent with the participation in this competition is required.

The thesis may be submitted in German or English.

Applications are to be directed to the Schaeffler FAG Foundation by the announced application deadline.


The following documents must be submitted along with an application:

  • Fully completed application form
  • Curriculum vitae/photography
  • Scientific-engineering thesis (complete copy)
  • Description of the thesis contents (use the standard form)
  • Expert assessment on the thesis
  • Teams: Authorization


The documents should be sent by post to:

Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG
Schaeffler FAG Foundation
z. Hd. Corinna Feuerbach
Georg-Schäfer-Str. 30
97421 Schweinfurt

or by email to:

Applications can be submitted until July 31, 2024 for the award ceremony in the following year.

One-time extension: Deadline August 31, 2024

The contents of the submitted thesis will be treated confidentially. The applicant agrees that the submitted thesis be passed on to the founder for inspection and for utilization, should the occasion arise.

The foundation and the Schaeffler Group will handle the submitted thesis with care. However no liability will be accepted for its loss, damage or unauthorized usage by third parties.

The awarding of prizes will be decided by the foundation committee of the Schaeffler FAG Foundation.

The judges' decision is final.

We reserve the right to renounce on the awarding of prizes if no prize-worthy thesis has been handed in. In the case of several equally good thesis, a division of prizes is possible.

The conditions of entry are accepted as binding on submitting the application.

Broad subject areas

  • Rolling, plain and magnetic bearings for mechanical engineering, automotive and aerospace industry
  • Rotative as well as linear movement
  • Mechanical and mechatronical solutions
  • Theses with relation to Industry 4.0
  • Consideration of the complete life cycle

To apply, please use the application form:

Application form Innovation Award 2024

Promotion Concept and Foundation Bodies

Foundation bodies

Foundation council

  • Lic.oec. HSG Georg F. W. Schaeffler, Chairman JD/LLM
    Owner of the INA-Holding Schaeffler GmbH & Co. KG
    Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Schaeffler AG
  • Maria-Elisabeth Schaeffler-Thumann
    Co-owner of the INA-Holding Schaeffler GmbH & Co. KG
  • Klaus Rosenfeld
    Chief Executive Officer
    Schaeffler AG
  • Professor Dr.-Ing. Christian Brecher
    Laboratory for Machine Tools
    RWTH Aachen
  • Professor Dr.-Ing. Udo Lindemann
    Senior Excellence Faculty
    TU München
  • Professor Dr. Robert Grebner, Deputy Chairman
    Faculty of Computer Science and Business Information Systems
    Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt
  • Professor Dr. Sandro Wartzack
    Chair of Engineering Design
    FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg

Foundation Board

  • Markus Gambihler, Chairman Foundation Board
    Head of Human Resources Bearings & Industrial Solutions
  • Sascha Zaps
    Member of the Executive Board Schaeffler AG
    CEO Bearings & Industrial Solutions
  • Uwe Wagner
    Member of the Executive Board Schaeffler AG
    Chief Technology Officer


  • Peter Schuster, Foundation Manager
    Vice President R&D Mechatronics
    Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG
  • Corinna Feuerbach, Administration
    Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG


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